Linux Help

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This page is a listing of common issus that I have found while working with Linux. As well as some additional resources to assist in problem resolution.

List of my common issues

  1. Tape drives

  2. Security

  3. Which brings us to patches

  4. Monitors and X Windows

Online How-To documents

These are directions addressing how to get things working in Linux. They deal with specific hardware and software applicaitons. There is even a coffee how-to that details how to connect your coffee maker to a Linux box so that it acts as a timer. This is very cool from a home automation perspective. These documents can be accessed here.

Online Man Pages

These are the same documents available in Linux using the man command in conjunction with the command you are looking for help on. The difference here is the ablity to search, and the pages are cross linked to related commands or files. Very handy stuff. These documents can be accessed here.

Documentation for services

These are some helpful links to the documentation for some of the common services run on Linux.

Other Online Help

Here are some other helpful links to sites providing Linux assistance. If you are still having trouble, send me a message via the feedback page, and I'll do what I can to help you.